Graveland live : line-up, setlist, concerts, lyrics and völkish ideology-in-music

Montréal show featuring Graveland which concentrates disapprovals is only one aspect of Graveland problematics as a whole. Graveland is about NSBM völkish ideology-in-music for 25 years of career now, and only 5 shows, all in 2016.

Graveland is solo project of Robert Fudali aka Rob Darken.
Graveland is mostly known as a one-man-band for home studio recordings (41 records released since 1993), but since 2016, Graveland live orchestra includes session musicians :

Promo Picture of Graveland with live sessions musicians : Mścisław (Guitar), Zbych (Guitar), Rob (Vocal), Miro (Drum), Bor (Bass).
notice :
Kolovrat slavic swastika, identarian, neo-nazi and NSBM symbol

and Black Sun nazi and NSBM symbol.


Live show is about 60 minutes long, Graveland  plays 8 songs from 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1997, only, and 4 playback intros. Musicians are statics, only Rob Darken acts and dances like a hooded goblin vocalist.

Setlist Graveland

Carpathian Wolves (playback Intro)
 At the Pagan Samhain Night
 Born for War
 The Gates of Kingdom of Darkness
 Hordes of Empire
 Thousand Swords (playback Intro)
 Thousand Swords
 For Pagan and Heretic Blood
 The Night of Fullmoon (playback Intro)
 The Night of Fullmoon
 Black Metal War! / (playback Outro)

HOT SHOWER : First Graveland show ever.

The first ever live show of Graveland happened at “Hot Shower” NSBM festival in Milano (Italy) on April 2nd 2016 with NSBM elite bands Frangar, Goatmoon, Baise ma Hache (BMH), … and an audience expressing multiples nazi salutes. Hot Showe is nazi joke refering to gas chambers. The NSBM meeting is promoted by german néonazi muderer Hendrick Moebus and his NSBM label Darker than Black, in collaboration with “Hammer Skin Italia ” gang.

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Graveland in France at “ragnard Rock Fest” NSBM meeting under viking cosplay.

Graveland already showed-up with Forteresse (MNQ) in France in July 2016, french press relates nazi salutes too.
(The video footage with clearly audible grouped “Sieg Heil” chants when Graveland took the stage, has been removed from Youtube service


Lyrics for live show are oriented on anti-chritianity and völkish thematics, blood and soil, revenge of victimized ancestral Slavic paganist hordes of barbarians occult wars against (judeo-)Christianity as stranger invader, under satanist & blasphemous appearance, with no respect, no mercy, lyrically not romantic at all, even when actions depicted happen at night under the moon, in the windy country and the cold forests landscapes ... war, blood, death, weapons, hate, arsons, torture, cruelty, ...

At the Pagan Samhain Night
 (1994 – carpathian wolves)

Dark was the sky and cold was this night
 I saw in dusk the shifting stars
 Inside the circle of mysterious sings 

A little casket drowned in blood
 The horned one gave me the key
 I opened the casket to see my fate
 The ultimate fate of mine
 Pagan warrior, son of the dark sky...
 Fire of eternal hell inflamed the left path
 The priest of Darkness, Druid named Schakh
 He opened my third eye, his evil soul became mine
 We were bonded by blood, our hearts beat the same
 "Thou belong to me now, follow me in dawn
 We are the same, the soul of man
 Look in my eyes, see burning stars
 Crucify the lier, create Dark Empire"
 Through the veil of fog I heard his voice
 I was cold, but sweet as an immortal dream
 I know the one taught to survive by the
 carpathian code of life...
 He hold the silver sword and Black book
 The symbols of mystic strength and wisdom
 I understood these signs of Darkness
 My knowledge became my secret weapon...
 At the pagan Samhain night
 I entered the Darkside
 Evil arrived far from the North
 I know the might of Demonolord 

Born for War
 (1995 thousand swords)

I was a child
 when they took me away from my family
 I remember long and frosty winter
 and people looking hopelessly for food
 from this ancient time
 our cruel lord ordered us
 to look as dogs eat christian children
 we were standing together and
 cold wind was freezing our faces
 our blood was hot
 we learned to worship death
 we were the children of his favourite herd
 future warriors, future wolves
 our cruel lord ordered us to drink human blood
 ordered us to eat human flesh

 I got my first sword
 I couldnt take it up easy
 But i had to take it up
 because I would be meat for dogs
 I know the true code of life
 spartan way of life, and draconian laws
 I've grown as a warrior
 close to nature, close to roots
 now i'm the cruel
 the last of the cruel lords herd
 When i was a child, i knew the cruelty
 I learned to hate everything I loved.

The Gates of Kingdom of Darkness 
 (1994 The Celtic Winter)

I came, led by the stars
 Spirits of the damned draw me near
 Mayhemed winds showed me the way
 And now i stay here, born from the wolf
 Scream of pain sounds in Darkness
 I draw my claws in wall of fog
 I scrape, scream, blood covered my scars
 my fangs tear the gates to Abyss
 Impure spirits, you showed me the way
 And now my blood becomes the key
 I open this last gate
 The Gate to the Kingdom of Darkness
 Black wind of the dead
 Inflamed my eyes to red
 My brothers, wolves, servants of the night
 They came from the forest
 Burning eyes among the Darkness
 Jaws thirsty for the blood, raised to moon
 Hired, longing and fear
 This is the last night and the dawn will never come
 Curse me, my brothers
 Because I lead you to death
 Salvation for mayhemed souls
 Souls of sons of the night in wolves bodies
 We've been always and we'll be forever
 Tonight we'll die and the next night
 we will come from beyond the gates
 of Kingdom of Darkness
 Gods of Darkness, awoken by our sacrifice
 Beast of gloom, spirits of fear
 Triumph of unlife's Powers
 Banners of the dead smeared in blood!
 Black is the ultimate colour
 Darkness is the only end
 Evil is the right reaction
 Death is the only mercy...

Hordes of Empire
 (1993 In the Glare of Burning Churches)

Thousand of fallen angels
 Rows of condamned souls
 Black riders of abyss
 Beast of haired and cruelty
 We arrive on the chariots of fire
 We sign our way by the fire and death
 Sun of Darkness leads us
 Everlasting lust of sin
 Hands ot the dead beat the kettle-drums
 Damned sound of black trumpets
 Tramp of horrified horses
 and sinister knocking of Devil's hooves
 Red, fiery eyes
 fangs, claws and fire from the mouth
 Mayhemed wings, bleeding in fight
 Cobweb in hair and wind...
 We kill, crush, burn
 We trace the escaping day
 and hideous condemned sun
 At everlasting war
 between light and Darkness
 Creators of night-Gods of Darkness
 They buried us alive
 They killed our feelings
 Now we are the same
 We come with nocturnal wind
 and red, bloody fog
 Black banners with effigy of him
 Red flags-hues of hell
 Hordes of cruelty and chaos
 Emperor of unlife's forces

Thousand Swords 
 (1995 – Thousand Swords)

We attacked with thousand swords
 our banners were streaming under clouds
 at the gates of christian capitol
 The wide river of blood was flowing.
 We attacked with hate in our eyes

Their request for mercy was nothing for us
  they had no respect for our ancestors
  today is not a day for mercy.
  We attacked and golden palaces collapsed.
  Christ´s elected ones paradise was burning.
  Their golden bells were tolling the last hour
  The last hour of christian rulers in pagan Europe
  We are just blessed soldiers
  from the depths of unbaptized forests.
  Barbarians in wolfish skins.
  And we had pleasure to burn the Vatican
  Gods returned and now they are with us.
  Spirit of war possessed our souls.
  Our swords want to fight with our moves.
  Its a great feeling to spill the blood in the basilica.
  Herds of ravens fly between the clouds
  They´ll come to the earth when we go away
  They´ll eat food we prepared
  They´ll drink blood we have spilled

  The vengence will be cruel
  blessed by gods and spirits.
  In self defence of fatherland.
  Vengence done by our hands
  brining cruel death for enemies.

For Pagan and Heretic Blood
 (1993 - In The Glare Of Burning Churches)

They came from the south
 In the sunshine
 Covered by black hoods
 With the crosses in their hands
 False sons of false god

They arose their black temples
 Burned forest and woods
 Placed the black crosses
 And predered to worship dead
 Laying claim to rule sons
 Of laying claim to rule god

They drank his blood
 They ate his flesh
 Scolfed at the right of nature
 And raped the eternal right
 Sure of themselves sons
 Of the sure himself god
 Possessed with crosses in hands
 Possessed with flabeau over the pyres
 How much blood they have spilled

How much souls they have tormented
  They burned the witches
  Murdered the Pagans
  Banished the honest spirits
  Choped the holy trees
  Condemned to madness sons
  By their god usurper
 (following the voice of blood – 1997)

Sharp thorn hurts a noble man To let him know the taste of blood.
 But the intruder must beware of him, Because death sleeps in every
 In the garden of human plants,
 There is a lot of hidden thorns,
 No one likes them, because the bring pain,
 Pain or truth? No matter, they hurt the same...
 Black thorn. Alone and proud he grows. And every creature envies him.
 Fear paralyses enemies. It's strong enough to make them dead.
 I am the thorn of Darkness.
 Reflection man's true nature.
 I came to this dying world.
 To celebrate upcoming end.
 Lyrics by: Capricornus 12/'96

The Night of Fullmoon
 1993 (In The Glare Of Burning Churches )

Pagan country in the moonlight
 witches calling for their Lord
 incantation of the Darkside
 from the book of secret world
 Scream breaks off nocturnal silence
 then begins the rite of Darkness
 Hill in the fog
 the heart of wood
 altar of goat
 infernal gloom
 nocturnal rite
 knife in the hand
 worship Darkside
 bless Left Hand Path
 Pagans hidden in the forest
 in unholy common grave
 christians killed the last worshiper
 but the Dark Cult is still living
 I'm the son of pagan nation
 I got a part of secret knowledge
 oh Lord I kneel before Thee
 Darkness and Evil showed me thy name
 I'm still waiting for thy return
 The ancient cult will be again
 here the god of war and pain

Black Metal War! / (Outro)
 1995 (Thousand Swords)
 No lyrics available

Article bâclé du Journal de Montréal

Le Journal de Montréal” publie un article bâclé au sujet de Graveland a Montréal (

L’article évoque Graveland mais occulte Foretresse (MNQ), Mglà (NSBM occulte polonaise, les liens entre Sepulchral et Peste Noire (“une tournée de 13 dates au Québec et en Ontario nommée « Les treize nuits de la Peste »” “It “was the first time a French metal band had ever toured Quebec.“(wikipedia), les liens entre le promoteur MNQ Martin Marcotte et la NSBM qu’il met en marché, …

L’article n’est pas documenté, le journaliste ignorant du black metal, de Graveland et des problématiques spécifiques à la NSBM se tourne vers une “doctorante” qui prépare une thèse pro-MNQMei-Ra St. Laurent: “Metal Noir Quebecois: Understanding Black Metal Representations of Nationalist Ideology in Quebec’s Black Metal Scene, soit le black metal nationaliste identitaire québecois, affilié NSBM et incarné par l’organisateur de la “Messe des Morts” qui produit Graveland.

« Le producteur à qui l’on doit la visite de ce groupe aux idées nauséabondes s’appelle Martin Marcotte et il est propriétaire de Sepulchral Productions. Marcotte n’en est pas à ses premières expériences d’organisation de concerts de groupes néonazis ou d’extrême droite en général. En effet, on lui doit également la venue des groupes de Black Metal tendancieux Peste Noire, Célestia, Satanic Warmaster et bien d’autres. Il distribue également les albums de plusieurs groupes NSBM tels qu’Absurd, Akitsa, Baise ma Hache, Ad Hominem ou Burzum. Sepulchral Productions est également la maison de disque de plusieurs groupes dits Métal Noir Québécois tout aussi ambigus tels que Forteresse, Monarque, Beast Within, Chasse-Galerie, Brume d’Automne etc. Bref, Sepulchral Productions, c’est un peu la plaque tournante du Black Metal d’extrême droite au Québec. »

Martin Marcotte est effectivement le promoteur de la mouvance MNQ, via son la label Sepulchral Productions, ce qui discrédite le point de vue de la doctorante, ils sont du même bord idéologique incarné par la mouvance MNQ, identitaire et nationaliste québécoise.
Le journaliste commet une grave erreur (volontaire ?)en faisant porter la critique par quelqu’un qui n’a pas une idéologie indépendante.

En occultant 25 ans de faits et en censurant les informations factuelles au sujet de Graveland, la fausse expertise de la doctorante conclue que Graveland est motivé par la “provocation“, on est pourtant loin de cela avec Graveland depuis plus de 20ans d’idéologie-en-musique.

“Selon la doctorante en musicologie à l’Université Laval, Méi-Ra St-Laurent, Graveland évolue dans un style de musique dont l’essence même est de provoquer. «Le chanteur du groupe ne s’est jamais caché d’avoir des idées politiques d’extrême droite, mais ce sont ses idées à lui. Le groupe en tant que tel n’est pas mêlé à la politique, ni dans ses paroles ni dans ses spectacles», explique-t-elle.”

Évidement, la doctorante adopte une posture anti-antifa et  déclare après son interview :
Méi-Ra St-Laurent  : “Ben au moins, j’ai été en mesure de rectifier un peu ce qu’ils voulaient publier, à la place de seulement colporter les propos antifa… Même si je trouve que le journaliste a vraiment coupé court sur ce que je lui ai dit…”


Les informations factuelles sur Graveland et son fascisme effectif sont occultés, et le fascisme est bien à l’œuvre … colporté par des intellectuels, journaliste et universitaire.

Graveland planned in London UK on Saturday February 18th. The Underworld Camden cancelled its provision

The Underworld Camden, club initially booked for Graveland in London cancelled its provision : “This show will no longer be taking place at Underworld.
Fan(atic)s of Graveland reacted under the form of a shitstorm, with multiple comments driven by hate, racism, … what an audience !

“1664 Music” ans “Tidal concerts”promoters of the NSBM meeting are looking for alternative venue for Graveland on Saturday February the 18th.

Graveland planning Latin America tour in may 2017

Graveland (polish NSBM paganist and slavic identitarian black metal) has just announced their first ever tour in 25 years and it will be in Latin America in 2017.

Dates :
5/4 – Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
5/5 – San Salvador, El Salvador
5/6 – Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico
5/7 – Moterrey, Mexico
5/11 – Bogota, Colombia
5/12 – Medellin, Colombia
5/13 – Lima, Peru
5/18 – Temuco, Chile
5/19 – Santiago de Chile, Chile
5/20 – Buenos Aires, Argentina
5/21 – Sao Paulo, Brazil

Graveland has just announced their first ever tour and it will be in Latin America in 2017. Dates : 5/4 - Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala 5/5 - San Salvador, El Salvador 5/6 - Cuidad de Mexico, Mexico 5/7 - Moterrey, Mexico 5/11 - Bogota, Colombia 5/12 - Medellin, Colombia 5/13 - Lima, Peru 5/18 - Temuco, Chile 5/19 - Santiago de Chile, Chile 5/20 - Buenos Aires, Argentina 5/21 - Sao Paulo, Brazil Posted from their FB page
Graveland has just announced their first ever tour and it will be in Latin America in 2017. from may 5th until may 21st

Promoters :

5/20 – Buenos Aires, Argentina

“Dark Hidden Productions” nsbm record label and booking agent for Argentina is clear and explicit about its “dark” and not “hidden” ideals  :

“Dark Hidden Prod. rises to support and spread Black Metal with a clear fascist and heathen ideology.
We stand against this Jewish-Christian world in sign of war and resistance, but, pissing on political correctness, we stand also against the socialist pest which contaminates our culture with the decadent values of modernity. So all lovers of red, progressive or democratic ideas… stay away!!! Dark Hidden Prod. is a proud member of THE PAGAN FRONT “


Graveland in Hungary July 28/29th “Total War Fest” with “Silva Nigra” in Körmend

July 28th ans 29th, at “Total War fest” in Körmend – HUNGARY, with “Silva Nigra”

Eastern Europe black metal fans alerted about Silva Negra (Cz.) :

3 actual members of Silva Nigra are ex-members of “Inferno” NSBM.

Silva Nigra is marketed by their own NSBM label “Ravenheart Productions” who produced NSBM bands like “Inferno” or SLUNOVRAT which is a Heathen Black Metal band proudly supporting the NSBM movement formed around the Pagan Front ! Featuring members SILVA NIGRA. and features a tribute cover-version of “Han Som Reiste” [BURZUM cover-version!]

Graveland not welcome in Montréal, Québec. Street protest and actions on Saturday November 26th

Saturday November 26th, stret protest against Graveland showing up with Forteresse (MNQ) and Mglà (occult NSBM – Poland) in Montréal (QC)
Graveland and NSBM are  not welcome in Quebec, several calls and actions are planned against Graveland and its ideology-in music :

Year after year, Sepulchral Productions, and the man who hides behind this enterprise, Martin Marcotte, struggle to attract increasingly sketchy, racist Black Metal bands to Quebec. This year, Marcotte strikes again, organizing the sixth ‘Messe des Morts’, inviting one of the most overtly racist bands, emblematic of this music scene: Graveland. This group is open about its antisemitic and white supremacist tendencies.
Even though Marcotte can no longer organize events in many Montreal venues because of the ideological positions of the bands he produces, distributes and promotes, one venue has always stayed loyal throughout the years: Théatre Plaza, on St-Hubert street in Montreal. It is at this space that he organizes most of his racist concerts, and it’s here that Graveland is supposed to show up on the 26th of November. Over the years, and regardless of numerous complaints, Théâtre Plaza has never cancelled a single concert or a single racist/far-right conference, and it seems that it is often the last refuge for far-right conference organizers in Montreal.
We call, therefore, for a demonstration on November 26th at 4pm at Métro Beaubien, in order to make Sepulchral Productions, Théâtre Plaza, and all the neo-nazis, boneheads, and far-right activists that will be around to see Graveland play, understand that in Montreal, the far-right cannot carry out its activities unchallenged. Confronted with Graveland’s uninhibited racism, sexism and homophobia, an antifascist response is our duty.
For more information on Graveland [links in French]:

P.S. Even though we’re calling for a demonstration on Saturday, we encourage a diversity of tactics during the whole ‘Messe des Morts’ festival. In this spirit, we also strongly encourage you to contact the venues hosting the festival, with the goal of informing them of your disgust.
Théâtre Plaza
6505, rue Saint-Hubert
Montréal (Québec) H2S 2M5
Phone : 514 278-6419
Fax : 514 277-4784
Director of operations and booking:
Claudio Bustamante
Phone : 514 409-4018
E-mail :
Piranha Bar
680 Ste-Catherine Ouest
(514) 508-2116

Graveland press-book

Graveland has multiples links with Néonazi, with NSBM ideology-in-music, with skinhead gangs, but we would be wrong to consider them as only simple Hitler’s fans, Graveland is related to polish and slavic identarian & paganism, also related to “Pagan Front” since the beginning.

Graveland from Poland is main career  project of Robert Fudali.

Robert Fudali, born December the 13th 1969 in Wroclaw

Aliases : Rob Darken, Lord Wind, Darken, …


« We all need racial segregation to preserve our own culture and spirituality »

« One thing is sure: RaHoWa is imminent. » (*rahowa is "racial holy war acronym")

« Confrontation between White Western civilization and the civilization of colored immigrants is imminent. »

« The growing power of homosexual lobby destroying family bonds – it has influence on the decreasing number of White people »

« Strong pro-Jewish lobby is also responsible for this bad situation »
 « Mass medias ruled by the Jewish lobby manipulate information and spread propaganda against Arabs. »
 « spiritual emptiness and intellectual shallowness. The requirements of propaganda and political correctness kill the art. Hollywood productions are very weak. They are marked by lack of inventiveness , supporting of feminist and homosexuals. »

« Anti-Semitism that comes not from natural instinct contempt and aversion for Jews (as Jews often describe it) but from the observation and evaluation of contemporary political situation and activities of international Jewish lobby. »

source :

“In Poland, new neo-fascism powers are rising. Its theories are near to our ideology, so we support it. War is the first duty of all who live for Darkness or Paganism,” he professes. “In Europe, neo-fascismis re-born and Europe must re-emerge in a new spirit. It will lead to big changes in the future. We have to take power from old, true traditions of these lands. We chose the way of war, because we have to wage war againstthe sub-human races from Turkey, Africa and Rumania. Destroy Negroes and other sub-men! They destroy our traditions and culture. Europe must be cleansed from this fucking shit! Europe only for white Aryan race!”

"Oklahoma City bombing ganing international attention, Darken was all too keen in letting his review go public in his support of the explosive bloodshed."

“It was a very positive act. It is a pity it didn’t kill your fuckingpresident, that Jew, Bill Clinton. Fuck Clinton! Your country is, in fact, very weak,” he said. “You have many sub-men who destroy yourcountry and a Jew is your president! You have to kill them all!"

"What needs to be banned or destroyed in Poland? 

– In Poland there are many things that should be banned or destroyed.  Now jews and communists have control over this country so one of our main aims is to get rid of them all.  Polish government sell Polish bands to rich people from Germany and other West European countries.  There people do not care about Poland and most rich people from Germany are jews hidden themselves under German names."

 « As a pagan,  I hate christianity because jesus-jew-worshippers killed my pagan ancestors.  I support my pagan brothers (Slavs from Poland) and Wotans Volk.  As a pagan I am socialist.  So I support every act of nationalism.  I have many friends among pagan skinheads especially from Poland, Germany, France, etc. »

“Aryan race wake up! The new era of paganism and darkness is coming. Graveland will show you the way. Start the holocaust again, kill Jews and Christians.Destroy the false god of Jesus Christ! […] We chose the way of war, because we have to wage war against the sub-human races from Turkey, Africa and Rumania. Destroy Negroes and other sub-men! They destroy our traditions and culture. Europe must be cleansed from this fucking shit! Europe only for white Aryan race!” (source : 
Graveland lyrics :
(source darklyrics)
(flaming wrathful hate de graveland)
We fight for the right
On what once was ours
Because we have the might
It´s in our blood of white
Our fight is not against'em
But in favor of us, only
And nothing can deceive us!
And nothing shall deceive us!
We fight for the right
We're proud of our white breed
We shield at any cost
Our honour, our blood, our folk
On behalf of it we shall battle
Maybe sheding our pure blood
But nothing can deceive us!
But nothing shall deceive us!
(to the north of rubicon)
Our swath and fire trails
Gleaming with weapons in the night
Crests swing on the wind
Panzer forces in harmony
Savagery lunging to be unleashed
Sun glaring from the steel
Wotan bewitched their hearts
White armies united for revenge!
(crown heroic my departure)
I am a warrior!
I grasp the greatness of my people
And trustful I fight strenuously
For a day I may have right upon
The splendorous heritage of my ancestors
By securing the purity of my blood
(we shall prevail)
The bastards of the viper Yahweh
will beg for mercy on their knees
We will feed the Earth with their blood
We, the folk of winter and frost
The warriors of the Pagan North
Once again. White children will be proud of their
Fathers and their Mothers

(the four wings of the sun : glorification de la croix gammée)
In the shield of the Sun is the power
The light of the Aryan knowledge
The four wings of the sun
The hope of spirits, and the strength of will
As proud ancient Gods stand by his side
Wotan raises his shield to protect me from the shine
(ancient blood)
We will join proud heroes
Who with might and main gave their lives away
And belong to the past fighting
For honor and pride of our race
When blood of ours and of our enemies
With falsehood and lies put to sleep
Will awake from a long sleep
(white hand's power, lyrics by neo-nazi from ABSURD)
The white hand, proud and strong by ruling the realm of Isengard, White as
consciousness of illuminated mind spirit became flesh, symbolized by the hand.
That's true cleanness, being able to raise the world out of its hinges and
create it new: Behold the banner's flying, it calls to join, because the
white hand prevails...
White Hand's Power to the realm of Isengard, White Hand's Elegance to the
Kings of Isengard White Hand's Supremacy to the ancestors of middle-earth
White Hand's Dominion to the end of the world...and to universe at next!!!
Marching southwards, orkish battlecries in air, heavy boots crush down
weakness in dust. Warriors executing inferior lifes by fireword: Submit or
die. Creatures of odd... Creatures of ill... Creatures of mud...
Degenerated by mixed blood! Submission, Submission, Submission
To the splendid kings of Isengard, to the race born of ice and flames!
White Hand's Power to the realm of Isengard, White Hand's Elegance to the
Kings of Isengard White Hand's Supremacy to the ancestors of middle-earth
White Hand's Dominion to the end of the world...and to universe at next!!!
[Lyrics by: JFN (Absurd)]
(note dans following the voice of blood dans le livret)
Black Metal is the music of our resistance and protest against the system of captivating and destroying of our pagan identity, indentity of White Inhabitants of this land.

Graveland is officially BANNED IN GERMANY

Graveland is effectively listed as « hate music group» by Anti-Defamation League and Southern Poverty Law Center

Graveland active since 1992 had first live show in 2016 at NSBM meeting “Hot Shower”

1992 : Rise of aryan organisation The Temple of Fullmoon TTF and first démo-tapes of Graveland

“The Temple of Fullmoon does not exist anymore because it was too dangerous. People started to have problems with the police. Generally 1995 was not a good year. During meeting of The Temple of Fullmoon in Szklarska Poreba the police arrested us. We lost many very important materials as magazines etc. Huge source of information for the police. Because of this incident TTF was dissolved. At that time many people that were too weak to deal with such problems left underground, others dissociated themselves from us. But those who stayed in underground despite all dificulties and danger, now are strong and very valuable people for neopagan movements in both aspects: cultural and political. Today situation is much better and easier but still we have to be careful. Now Polish Black metal underground is united by pagan ideas. Bands as North, Perunvit, Venedae, Iuvenes and Black Metal NS hordes as Capricornus, Thor’s Hammer, Dark Fury, Thunderbolt, Fullmoon, Veles work for return of paganism. ” – Rob Darken (Graveland)

On the pictures you can see the famous meeting of The Temple of Fullmoon in Szklarska Poręba, Poland, 1994.

1995 : As a member of Fullmoon – “United Aryan Evil” (1995, Isengard Productions) , Police investigates about  TTF,
first record of Veles,  First record of Lord Wind

1999 : Collaboration with Absurd (german NSBM) “Asgardsrei”

1999 : The Night and the Fog, NSBM compilation appearance

2000 : Raiders of Revenge (2000, Resistance Records, split with RAC band Honor – Olaf Jalinski & Mariusz Szczerski)

2000 : Collaboration with Thor’s Hammer (polish NSBM) “Thor’s Hammer May the Hammer Smash the Cross”

2005 : Interview Aryan Genocide Propaganda 666 ZINE ‘2005 / Serbia

2007 : The Night and the Fog Volume 3 (NSBM compilation record)

2007 : Split record with Graveland Temnozob (NSBM Russia) & Nokturnal Mortum (NSBM Ukraine)

2007 : Interview Resistance Mag (white supremacist)

2011 : Interview blood & honour (rac and white supremacist)

2010 : Collaboration avec Kreuzfeuer

Kroizfoier german RAC founded in 1991, in 1994 they changed musical style style to NSBM, and changed their name : kreuzfeuer Discography: Kreuzfeuer – Komm Zu Uns! – Skinheads Für Deutschland [demo] – 1992 Kreuzfeuer – Ziel Erkannt [full-length] – 1992 Kreuzfeuer – Die Wilden Jahre [ep] – 1993 Kreuzfeuer – Zurück Um Zu Verletzen [full-length] – 1998 Kreuzfeuer – Blut Für Blut [full-length] – 2000 Kreuzfeuer & Graveland – Tribute To King Of Aquilonia [split] – 2010
2015 : Works with MZ propaganda
Maciej Zaborowski graphist designer of Niklot (right wing politic movement, polish and slavic identitarian  connected to AZOV in Ukraine and Casa Pound in Italy) & Ruch Narodowy

August 2015 : Collaboration with Jan Peters, tribute to néonazi figure “S” Mariusz Szczerski  of HONOR (RAC)

February 2016 : “the spirit never dies” split w nokturnal mortum

April 2016 : NSBM meeting in Italy in Milano 2nd if april with BMH (french NSBM, forbidden in  France) operated by Darker than Black label and Hammer Skins Italia (with counter-event FUCK NSBM)

ticket for Hot Shower fest in Milano Italy, showing NSBM swastika, totenkampf, KKK characters
hot shower 2016
nazi salutes from Graveland on stage at Hot Shower Fest on video (
hot shower 2016
hot shower 2016

July 2016 : french media relates multiple nazi salutes from the audience during the Graveland show at NSBM meeting “Ragnard Rock Fest” with Forteresse (MNQ), Naer Mataron (greek NSBM), Nokturnal Mortum (Ukraine NSBM), Khors (Ukraine NSBM) …


pagan front / graveland archives : : "The most interesting fragments of interviews with Darken" "Der Rechte Rand in Black Metal" (Rock Hard magazine germany article about NSBM) : GRAVELAND interview for Decibel Magazine March 2006 : Graveland promotes "Vargsmel" of VarG Vikernes (Burzum)
National Socialist GRAVELAND HomePage ("unofficial site")